The survey had 18 respondents, 14 females and 5 male. 13 were aged 19-25, one was 26-35 and four were 35-50.
What surprised me was that 12 out of the 18 had read a film magazine. I've always seen it as a bit of a niche type of magazine to read, but clearly they are more widely read than I thought, which makes sense, as almost everyone watches films. Just one respondent said they did not visit the cinema, whilst 12 of them visited once or twice a month.
I asked a question specifically about whether people had ever watched a foreign film and the responses were really interesting and unexpected. 78% had watched a foreign film at some point and there was a hugely diverse range of countries listed. The graph below shows all the countries mentioned, and indicates which countries were mentioned the most.
As expected, European films on the whole were most popular, along with Japan and China. But, the countries listed were extremely wide ranging and shows quite a diverse taste.
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