Monday, 20 February 2012

14 Days of Free Film Challenge - Day Two, The Ides of March

So, Day Two of my Blockbuster challenge. Just a quick one today because I'm off out soon to see Star Wars 3D.

The Ides of March has an excellent cast - George Clooney, Ryan Gosling, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti, Evan Rachel Wood..... and they all did well. But, I was a bit disappointed as the story seemed very thin. The major plot points of the film were rushed over and not really developed properly. The film was only 90 or so minutes long, so they had plenty of time to fill it out.

I think maybe I don't understand politics enough, but having said that there was a lot of good drama going on, and I think this is probably a fairly accurate depiction of the dirty scene of American (or any) politics.

Basically, Ryan Gosling works on George Clooney's presidential campaign and is very good at his job. So, Paul Giamatti wants to poach him to the opposing team. As with all good scandals, the press finds out and everything goes downhill. Add one or two other hitches and surprises and the film is fairly interesting and exciting, if at times a bit vague.

For me, the highlight was the excellent performances given by the actors and the downside was the lack of depth and detail in the story. The film was well directed by Clooney and the cinematography is good. The moment that stands out for me is a simple one, Gosling and Hoffman in silhouette behind the American flag as Clooney takes part in a presidential debate. The shots and settings are well thought through, at the story's expense. Definitely one to see though, if only for the brilliant acting performances.

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